

Tony Sands (aka Monty Grayson)

As a previous RP industrialist, having pioneered the technique of RIM-Casting more than 20 years ago, and now a full-time writer with a couple of books out and more on the way, the importance of having independent editorial experience to count on, both in technical and creative writing is paramount.

Most of us can scribble a bit and produce basic stuff in our own fields but that is not the same as professionally created, proofed and edited, publisher-ready, books, texts and articles. A rough draft of an idea is a long way from fully polished copy tailored to the intended media.

Rachel Park is a long time friend and colleague who possesses a unique and rich combination of all of the above skills. A competent and imaginative writer and now offering a full editorial service, I can think of no better person to serve the industry she has been part of for many years now.

Both of my books and most of my technical articles have benefited tremendously from Rachel’s intuitively correct input on style, content and presentation and I count myself fortunate that she has found the time to be involved. That same professional touch that is her special talent has made a world of difference to my approach to writing.

Duncan Wood
Group Director, Rapid News Communications Group

Rachel spent 12 years with Rapid News Publications as Editor of The TCT Magazine. She was instrumental in creating a great product with compelling content.

I have no hesitation in recommending her in any capacity. In fact we've just hired Rachel again on a short-term project where her skills, network and passion can be brought to our benefit.

Work Examples


Samples of articles - View PDF 1 - 2 - 3
Sample Magazine Media kit - View PDF
Sample press release - View PDF


Sample Article - View PDF
Link to TCT Magazine archives: www.tctmagazine.com
Website: www.3ddc.eu
Website: www.at3d-squared.com

RPES, Flintshire, UK, T: 01244 533674 M: 07515 741188
E: rachelp@rp-editorialservices.co.uk